Thursday, February 26, 2009

swim season!

Swim Season is once again upon us in Fresno Unified. This year the McLane team has about 15 dedicated kids and another 15 who are trying things out. A bit smaller than last year (and water polo) but they are already showing some significant results and training much better than in years past. It's SO great to watch kids that I (sometimes literally) taught how to swim/play water polo now going and teaching others how to do it... hearing one's own words come out of the mouth of another is one of those shining moments as a coach.

A kid I am trying to really help (it worked during water polo...) who currently has a 0.0 GPA and almost as many suspensions this school year alone as he is years old (14 years old... 13 days total of suspension this school year.) came out to the pool today and I'm taking him and his friend to the pool tomorrow at 5:45 am for 6am morning practice. As previously mentioned we had 7 kids there on Wednesday - the extra practice is what will make us a REAL swim team. Tonight at the gym I was able to get some strength training in as well as swimming; tomorrow morning I plan to swim some too.

Hopefully a bike ride this weekend with the girlfriend and... no... kids... ! is our kids triathlon camp website is our big RACE website (entry forms are coming in!) is Tri-This's website!


mathnerd said...

So I finally saw Gran Torino today... Very good movie.

Glad to hear that swimming started and seeming to go well. I hope you do help that 0.0 kid, he seems like he needs it...

Brandon said...

he's had 11 log entries in his file for discipline stuff since january 1st... so now i'll count how many he has since joining swimming and see how it goes!

during water polo, he had 2 the entire 2.5 month season then in the two weeks after polo he had 5! but im afraid he will be expelled pretty soon because he's just too out of control/has no idea even when he does something wrong.

Mel's Blog.... said...

Okay, now you're swimming... All you need now is you're bike and some running shoes and you're on Mr. D.!