Sunday, September 16, 2007

one month!

a month in an not a whole lot to report! Some challenges for some kids to be sure, including some of my athletes. but the support is there! Still only a few problems in classes which is so refreshing! Gave a test on Friday and will need to grade/record those soon... not looking forward to that so much but not bad either.

my new assistant coach for water polo is awesome. we are really making the kids work hard and it's showing. they're having a lot of fun too, and so am i because at least with another adult on deck it's not me at 22 (mostly new) swimmers/water polo players! We have our first two official games this coming week.

The Shaver Lake Triathlon is next weekend, and we're excited. Except it's gonna rain Saturday when we're planning on going camping :-( I don't know how I'm gonna fit everything in this week... but I'll try! Gonna go to the gym tonight and then eat dinner so i won't be hungry when i go grocery shopping.

After this triathlon I'll take a bit of a break then just will be training for a half marathon in november. if it's too much I'll just stop. It might be too much. I need to devote more time to the Algebra 10 class (algebra I rehashed for the kids who failed it.) I want to move to a problem-solving approach.

1 comment:

mathnerd said...

Isn't it crazy to think that we are on week 5 already? I think this year will fly by. How is the Algebra class going? I have seen, at least with my kiddos, that those kids who failed last year, or are in the "low" class tend to not care as much. Its a struggle to get them to do the math and study for thier tests.